All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited. For more information, visit the Worlds of Anne McCaffrey. Many thanks to Alec Johnson for his assistance with this information!
Chailyn is Searched for Telgar Weyr by Aisling's Sielth
Chailyn - Monday, October 09, 2000, 7:36 AM
Telgar Steam Baths
Nestled between many rock outcroppings in this immense ceilingless cavern lie
three pools of water and several smoothed, flat rocks angled towards the sky.
Immediately, the warmth of geothermal heat reaches you, and you see steam rising
from the springs pools. Two smaller pools with another, much larger pool past
them, rest here. A cliff rises over one end of the large pool, with steps to
climb up to the top.
A large tunnel works its way back into the innards of the Weyr, eventually leading
those without wings to the inner caverns. Those who can may fly up and over
the rim to Telgar's southern bowl. (Use 'places' to see the various springs.)
Sielth flies over the edges of rock and lands on the far end of the springs.
Sielth has arrived.
Chailyn is submerged in the pool, scrubbing at her hair with sweetsand.
Your location's current time: 10:18 on day 6, month 5, Turn 33, of the Tenth Pass. It is a spring morning.
From Sielth's neckridges, Aisling grumbles as she moves to release the straps. "But I don't want to soak, Sielth. I want my bed and my nice warm furs."
Aisling doesn't seem to notice anyone yet, busy as she is grumbling at her lifemate. This grumbling continues as she removes the greens straps.
Chailyn looks up at the rush of cool air from the dragon's wings, sinking lower into the pool. Then, upon spying Aisling, she grins a bit, looking reassured. "Morning. You two have early sweeps? Or did she get you up on a restday?"
Aisling starts at the voice, eliciting an amused croon from Sielth before the green settles into the larger of the pools. What a pretty scowl Aisling makes before she turns to pad towards the other pool. "Dawn Sweeps. I think we have had them since the day I joined the wing."
Chailyn grins a bit, still scrubbing at her hair and getting a nice lather. "Well, look at it this way? You get to see the sunrise? Up at dawn and down in the caverns to start laundry could be worse. I've not seen a sunrise from this side of things in ages."
Aisling rewards Chailyn with a scowl just a pretty as the one she gave to her lifemate before sighing. "I hate mornings. I always have. I think this is some sort of bizarre punishment that M'rgan has thought up for me for -some- reason." She explains as she slowly begins to remove her clothes. After a few moments she comments. "Well, I suppose I would much rather be doing dawn sweeps than laundry."
Chailyn grins and protests, "I like M'rgan." She averts her eyes, and tips her head back into the water to swish some of the lather off. "Though I bet I'd like sleeping late if I ever got a chance to get used to it." Her voice is a trifle louder on that one, likely owing to the water that's now plugging her ears.
"Oh. I didn't say that I didn't -like- him." Aisling corrects as she slips into the water. "He is just evil." She falls quiet as she reaches for the sweetsand and while she begins to rubs a fair amount between her hands. "The worst part about it that I -can't- seem to sleep in any more. Even on off days I am up at the same time."
Chailyn lifts a dripping head, lather still around her forehead and temples. "What? Oh, can't sleep in? Yeah. Same here for the most part. Not unless I was up all night." She grimaces as lather runs into her eyes. "Ergh. Though that doesn't happen too often."
Aisling is silent a moment, glancing towards the other pool where Sielth is settled watching the two women. "I haven't been able to stay up late and watch the stars in forever, it seems."
Chailyn splashes water into her face, smeaing the remains of the lather back into her hair. "Well, the stars here are usually more cloudy than the were at Igen - and it gets much colder here with the wind. But the view from the star stones is really nice, if you can stay up that late. Maybe you could switch with another rider? Does it matter who does the dawn sweeps, as long as they get done?"
Aisling is silent as she begins to scrub. Finally she shakes her head, "No. M'rgan is quite specific in how he wants things done." She notes with a sigh. "Believe me, I have tried to switch. But, that is of no matter." She notes before asking "What made you decide to leave Igen?"
Chailyn is quiet a long minute before answering. "Well..." A pause and then she says, "A fresh start, I guess. And I knew Hal here, so..." She shrugs slightly. "I guess I just made a lot of mistakes there, and wanted to get away from the constant reminder. I learned from it, yeah, but." She shrugs and then says lightly, "Sides, I'd never seen snow before."
Aisling considers that for a moment, her expression brightening. "I suppose that is why I came here as well. That and my brother had just been..." She stops abruptly and peers over at the larger pool. "Anyway." She changes the subject really quickly.
Chailyn arches her eyebrows, but doesn't pry. "Anyway," she agrees. "I like it here, and already I've met a dragonweight of people from all over the north. I've got an invitation to the smith hall, and I went to Bitra... I'd never really traveled before. So I guess I'm broadening my horizons?" She grins a bit, and then ducks under to rinse the last of the lather from her hair.
Aisling uses the time waiting for her to reemerge to peer curiously at her lifemate, "No. You -won't- fit in this pool." She informs her tartly before settling back agains the side of the pool.
Chailyn surfaces, wiping water from her face. "Oh, much better. I usually don't get the time to come up here during the day, but with the candidates around, we've got enough hands in the laundry that I snuck some time.
Aisling snickers softly. "I remember as a candidate wondering if the reason why there we so many candidates was for the chores they did." Sielth is given a rather puzzled look before she shrugs in acceptance of something. "Sielth has a question for you, if you don't mind."
Chailyn grins a bit. "Long as they don't dye the washing pools blue or something, I'm fine with it." Then she arches her eyebrows. "Alright. Though if she wants me to scrub her, I'm not going in the lake, it's still too cold." She gives a wry smile to the green.
"Scrub?" Aisling looks a bit puzzled. "Oh. No. Do you know any stories?"
Chailyn considers. "Stories? What kinds of stories?"
A moment's pause while Aisling consults with her lifemate. "Well. Anykind. Happy ones, sad ones." Another long pause before Aisling shakes her head in amsuement. "She likes all kinds." That last earns her a reproachful rumbled from the green."
Chailyn considers. "Gosh. Um... I'm not really sure. Did you ever hear the one about the wherry and the pitcher?"
Sielth warbles happily as she emerges from her pool and begins to pad towards the pool the pair share. "-ACK-" That would be Aisling response to her lifemate's actions. "Don't you -even- think it." Apparently Sielth is planning of doing more than just think it for she has her forepaw raised as if to step into the pool.
Chailyn laughs, "Um, Sielth, I don't think you'll fit in this one. I take it she hasn't heard about the wherry and the pitcher?"
Reluctantly, Sielth places her paw back down on the rock surface. Aisling just glowers at the green, who looks back completely unrepentant. "All right, I'll ask her." She mutters. "She wants to know if you will be able to come to our weyr sometime and tell us the story?"
Chailyn mms. "Well, the next time I've a rest day, I wouldn't mind it. Let's see... that's... five days from now. End of the sevenday, I think."
Startled. That would just about describe Aisling's expression. "You sure?" She questions her lifemate before letting out a soft breath. "I really would rather ask this clothed." She mutters before speaking in a louder, more formal tone. "Chailyn, Sielth believes that you're a good choice. Would you consent to Stand for the clutch that sits on the Hatching Sands at Telgar Weyr?" Both sets of eyes rest on the laundress for her answer.
Chailyn blinks and says the first thing that comes to mind, "I thought she wanted a story?"
"Well, that too." Aisling allows after a brief pause. "You can still tell stories as a candidate."
Chailyn is apparently having a hard time processing this information. "I... shells and shards. I didn't think I'd get asked again. I'm too old." She pauses and then says, "I'd be honored to stand if Sielth thinks I should." She smiles a trifle wistfully and says, "And this time, I'll make sure not to embarass the person who searched me."
"Embarass?" Aisling asks in confusion. "How could you embarass me? I do a pretty good job of doing that by myself."
Chailyn chews on her lower lip and says, "I was a candidate at Igen. But I broke the rules - primarily because I thought they were silly because I wouldn't impress anyway - and the Weyrwoman asked me to turn in my candidate knot. That's part of the reason that I left, to start over. But I promise, Aisling, I won't embarass you. I'll have the rules down pat; just as soon as someone tells me what they are." She smiles a trifle sheepishly.
Aisling ohs softly before pointing out. "Technically, -I- didn't Search you. She did. I just asked the question" She notes with a toss of her head to Sielth. "Secondly. Your behavior reflects only on you, not me. Finally" She pauses for a moment. "The rules are clearly posted in the Candidates Barracks. You can read, yes?" She asks with a sudden concern.
Chailyn grins then, reassured. "Oh, yes. I can read just fine. It's figuring I'm not the best with. I usually have Hal help me with them. He's a whiz at it."
Aisling wriggles her fingers in the air. "These come in handy." She notes with a grin before tilting her head. "So, that is a yes?" She queries curiously.
Chailyn laughs. "I usually have to take my socks off too though! And yes, I'll stand."
"Go Back and soak." Aisling grumbles to her lifemate as she hoists herself out of the water and reaches for a towel. "Let's go get you settled."
Chailyn grins at Sielth, "And come find me later for that story. I think you might like it, even if it is about lunch." She rises out of the pool as well, quickly drying off and scrambling into clothes.
Aisling laughs softly. "Now that is one of her favourite types of stories." She admits before eyeing the green for a moment. She quickly dresses before padding towards the door.
Chailyn follows, slinging her damp towel about her neck. "Lunch does win though, so we'll see. At the least, it should entertain her for a bit."
Aisling walks off towards the Inner Cavern.
Aisling has left.
You travel along the tunnel into the Weyr, leaving drips of water behind you.
Aisling parts the curtain over the entrance to the Candidate Barracks and steps
Aisling has left.
You part the curtain and step into the Candidate Barracks.
Candidate Barracks(#258RADHJ$)
This cavern has a rather low ceiling, with many openings for air, since this
becomes an abode for a large number of people before every hatching. Every inch
of the floor is kept clean, although little of it can be seen due to the many
rows of cots that fill most of the space. The central part of the cavern is
rather dim, as most of the glows are on the walls. Little decoration is evidenced
except for a few personal effects. You wouldn't call it uncomfortable unless
the unusually low ceiling for a weyr makes you claustrophobic. On the wall,
scrupulously maintained, is a list of Candidates and their assigned chores for
the day. Tampering with it is rumored to be an offense punishable by death or
latrine duty for the rest of one's life.
The normal ruckus of the barracks is almost constant.
PLAYERS: Chailyn Greylin Aisling
Greylin looks up and smiles a bit, fiddling with her staff absently.
Aisling offers a quick smile as she leads Chailyn in, then talks quietly to her in order to avoid disturbing anyone that may be sleeping.
Aisling indicates the rapidly filling cots with a wave of her hand. "Take any unoccupied one." She notes before nodding to herself.
Chailyn laughs and asks, "Where's one away from anyone who snores?" She gives a wave to Greylin and Myrine. "Any ideas on a good cot?"
Myrine smiles at Chailyn as she walks over to her cot. "This end of the barracks seems pretty quiet so far, but I don't think there's anyone who snores loudly. Yet. This cot's mine, and.." She points to the one next to hers, "That's Vairi's."
Aisling waits a few moments before she offers a smile, "If you all will excuse me? I think Sielth will finally agree to heading back to our weyr."
Chailyn smiles at Aisling, "Thank you. And tell Sielth I'll be glad to tell her that story when she's ready."
Greylin grins a bit at the others. "Me, if whatsisname here snores, I reach over with my big stick and prod his shoulder. Gently," she comments, an impudent look on her face.
Aisling grins. "She appreciates that." She tells Chailyn before offering a wave over her shoulder and slipping out.
Aisling heads through the entrance to the inner cavern.
Aisling has left.
Myrine giggles at Greylin's comment, "Very kind of you to do such a thing to help us all," she replies, then asks Chailyn, "Did Sielth search you? I'm so glad you got searched too."
Chailyn nods. "She did. Faranth knows why, but she did." She grins a bit and drops her damp towel onto a cot the next row from Myrine and Vairi's. "Now I just have to go get all my stuff, and figure out what chores I'm supposed to do."