All references to worlds and characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey 1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders of Pern(r) is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey, used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly prohibited. For more information, visit the Worlds of Anne McCaffrey. Many thanks to Alec Johnson for his assistance with this information!
A Harsh Lesson Learned
After impressing Ifora, Sarai catches
Chailyn at the gather, and tells her she may not stand at the hatching.
Setting: Baker Training Center, Benden Weyr
Cast: Haloran, Dendra, Sarai, F'gon, Chailyn, and many, many others!
Chailyn - Monday, June 26, 2000, 10:22 AM
Sarai arrives from Kitchens, Benden Hold.
Sarai has arrived.
Mhaul seems rather content to watch the raffle.
Teryla giggles as her newly Impressed blue creels for more, and quickly takes him to the quiet of the Great Hall. "We're going for more food," she croons, pushing politely through the crowd.
F'gon arrives from Kitchens, Benden Hold.
F'gon has arrived.
101! Felimy blinks at Aelin for a moment, then at the number. "I'm 101!" she calls, shoving past the one or two who are in front of her, carrying a bowl of meat and shoving the stub towards Aelin.
Haloran whispers "Yeah, I---oh jays. Its the Weyrwoman."
Lambent looks at her hand, noting again her number. "101--nay, That is not mine," she says regretfully.
Sarai walks in, looking around for a baker, preferably one with a large knot...
Ducere arrives from Kitchens, Benden Hold.
Ducere has arrived.
Chailyn gives a little squeak at a comment from Haloran, and moves between him and Dendra, ducking down slightly to try to keep out of Sarai's sight. The little gold on her shoulder wakes up, and promptly throttles her neck with her tail, cutting off that squeak midsound.
Pixy Green Hatchling stares quietly around her, looking almost stunned for a moment, until she catches a whiff of meat and begins to run toward it.
Mhaul looks into his pack, pulling out a few strips of dried meat to chew on as he watches.
Haloran's face pales and he stands up straight and tall, trying to do his best to hide Chailyn. Eyes move between the entering riders and the firelizards and the crowd. So much to see at once!
Pixy Green Hatchling stumbles towards Felimy.
M'teh says to Lanryi, "It's like a dragon hatching in miniature! I've never been to a firelizard hatching before."
Dendra discreetly shifts Lluna, to provide beter cover for her friend. She manages to keep calm and pretend like nothing is wrong.
Sarai catches the sight of a baker master and talks over something about a package. Sarai nods, making small arangements and then blinks at a comment, "A what? Where?" She looks over towards some of the people and sighs. "Thanks, Master..." Sarai starts to walk through the crowd, appranantly on a different sort of hunt now.
D'orn idly glances over towards M'teh at that comment, just chuckling before he manages to balance his meat in one hand and a glass of wine that some kind personage has delivered to him, in the other.
Felimy grabs a piece of meat - mmm, nice n' fresh - and gives it to the green, who, being hungry, gobbles it down. The girl stares slightly at the firelizard for a moment, then reaches down to deftly lift her and place her in the nook of her arm. She's a natural.
Lambent eyes her bowl of slowly cooling meat with some disgust before looking at M'teh in some surprise. "You think so?"
Farrell continues to lean nonchalantly against the back wall, shifting now and again to keep the hatching in view through the crowd. His expression is somewhere between wistful and scornful.
Doran gives the events ensuing one last look then removes himself from the crowd.
Chailyn coughs, attempting to loosen the tail about her neck, and still keep Haloran and Dendra as cover between herself and the Igen Weyrwoman. She turns a frightened look to the folks providing her cover and murmurs something under her breath to them.
Zartha coos to the impatient bronze, and shrugs, carrying him out.
You whisper "Oh *shards*, where's she now?" to Haloran.
You whisper "Oh *shards*, where's she now?" to Dendra.
M'teh replies to Lambent, "Well, sort of. Not as big in the emotion either, but... the principle's similar." He frowns a little, as if questioning his own logic.
Dendra leans back ever to slightly and without moving her lips manages to murmur, "She's coming this way, but you can still run without being caught if you go now.'
Lanryi smiles watching the impressions and says, "It kind of is, just not quite as hot," she adds teasingly, "You've never been to one before? Well, hold some food out there." she says before she sticks her hand and little chunk of meat out to the hatchlings.
Haloran affects a rather polite smile on his face, blonde hair getting brushed out of his face. He murmurs something to the air in front of him--or at least, it seems like he does.
Raden sighs thinking he'll never get an FL
Haloran whispers "She's moving through the crowd. Get out of here."
Rippled Ivory Egg cracks open, and a Dubiously Dangerous Dappled Blue Hatchling
tumbles out.
Oddity is inherent, from this blue's beer-splashed tail, to his metallically
shimmered neck, and everywhere between. His head is curiously pale in shade,
unlike the rest of him -- as if he was bald -- the odd lapse swept away by gleams
of blue, purple and silver that intermingle like a windswept sea down the arch
of his neck. Fitful dreams whisper mystical mirages of blueberry and grape in
twirls of color throughout his miniature back, lost in an untimely night below
his slender belly, where midnight and navy shed their weary lightlessness. Baby
blue, it's powdery perfection promising more as it promenades down his tale,
ends in curious splashes of grainy brown at it's forked tip. A mass of contradictions
is he; not least in his personality, but a truer heart and more entertaining
soul would be hard to find.
Written by and based on: Dendra
You whisper "You better move on up front. I'm *gonna* get caught, and I don't want you to get into trouble too." to Dendra.
Fugitive Temptation Egg cracks open, and a Redfruit Juice Bronze Hatchling
tumbles out.
Pale light seems to have condensed into a bronzy gold liquid that bathes this
bronze hatchling. Greenish motes dance in the crystalline depths of his hide.
The liquid that he seems made of almost looks to swirl and swish with his movements
as the true light plays on the surface. Clear depths seem to lie beyond contained
like redfruit juice in a clear glass.
Noble and kind, never pretentious, he always watches out for the little guy.
If some larger firelizard tries to push another one around, hell be their to
defend him, just as he will with you.
As the green wraps herself around Limy's arm, creeling furiously, the girl pushes and slides her way towards the back. "'Cuse me, outta my way. . . Pardon. . . " Got a hungry flit in feed. . .
Demid chuckles. "Patience, young man... there're lots of flits on Pern, you'll get one sooner or later." He turns to watch the newest blue.
Mhaul shrugs his shoulders, hearing all the murmurs around him. Chewing on a piece of dried meat, he offers another slice to any 'lizard that passes his way.
Sarai looks over at Dendra and smiles to her and Haloran, "Igen's duties ..."
Sauscony glances over at Lanryi, then considers the newly hatched blue before shrugging. "What can it hurt?" She murmers as she reaces down a hand to languidly offer the blue a bit of meat.
Chailyn nods to both Dendra and Haloran, and eases away from then, slowly, not attempting to draw attention to herself. It's a trifle hard, given that the little lizard on her shoulder is still choking her, and hissing lightly. As she hears Sarai's voice behind her, she turns her back quickly, and starts for the door.
Haloran smiles politely and starts to reply with "Tann---er, Telgar Weyr's duties, ma'am." he's not looking over his shoulder, nono.
Lambent nods at M'teh. "Was going to say--Tis some comparison you did make! But, even so..." A thread of wistfulness wends its way through her voice. "Tis a taste, I would think, of what would be a fine meal."
M'teh finds some meat on a handy table and holds it out in the general direction of the hatchlings, as per Lanryi's instructions. "No, I haven't - but you're right about the heat!" He grins, without turning away from the hatchlings.
D'orn continues to watch, waiting for the rest of the numbers to be drawn. A swallow of wine here, a piece of meat there: He's as happy as a clam bake reject tossed back into the ocean.
Landscape Egg cracks open, and a Bread and Jelly Brown Hatchling tumbles out.
Patterned in a way that almost perfectly resembles freshly sliced wheat bread,
this suprisingly small, light brown hatchling looks almost edible. The edibility
factor isnt helped by the gelatinous purple shade this is spread over his back
and wings like so much grape jelly. The purple darkens almost to black in some
hastily spread clumps, while the area in-between is overlaid with a transparent
shade of pale purple, the brown beneath plainly visible.
Bouncy and hyperactive, have fun keeping this little in one place for long.
Full of energy and life, he can be exhausting just to watch.
Banit looks wondering how anyone can be calm , he figests constantly
With the bronze's hatching, Farrell becomes more alert. He keeps his eyes on it as he stands straighter, barely distracted by the brown that hatches after.
Sarai reaches a hand out and places it, gently, on Chailyn's shoulder. "Chailyn," she says, softly, though not without feeling, "May I speak with you in the kitchen?"
Aelin takes a little while trying to figure out from the egg shards, who gets which newly hatched hatchling. Finally, she figures it out. "The Blue goes to 121. The bronze to 125. The brown to 128."
Chailyn squeaks, as the little gold lizard attempts to hide in her short hair. She clears her throat and nods, looking more than a little terrified. "Ye... yes Weyrwoman." Uh oh. Someone's in trouble. In a big way. She tosses a helpless look at Dendra and Haloran, and then heads out to the kitchens.
You go toward Hold Kitchen
Kitchens, Benden Hold
Sarai arrives from Baker Training Center - Benden Hold.
Sarai has arrived.
F'gon arrives from Baker Training Center - Benden Hold.
F'gon has arrived.
Sarai steers Chailyn out and lets go, lokoing at her calmly, "I suppose you have a good reason for this?"
F'gon limps out, leaning heavily on his walking stick, and stops dead in his tracks, as he sees a Candidate out of the Weyr, and his Weyrwoman talking to her with that 'quiet about-to-reprimand' look about her. He nods to both and turns to head back in.
Chailyn attempts to loosen claws and tail from neck and hair, even as she chews nervously on her lower lip. "Uh... um... well, I..." She sighs faintly and then says, "No, Weyrwoman. But please, don't be mad at K'dar? I told him I had permission to come." She dwindles down quietly, tossing a look at F'gon.
F'gon moves to a corner, to be nearby for support.
F'gon sits.
Sarai nods at Chailyn, "The rider who brought you here will be reprimanded for not checking first. However ... you were aware of the rule that candidates /must/ remain in teh weyr?" Her voice remains calm and pitched low.
Chailyn nods a trifle miserably to Sarai. "Yes, Weyrwoman."
Sarai ahs softly and nods, folding her arms across her cheast. "Anything to say in your own defense?"
Chailyn chews on her lower lip and then shakes her head slightly. the little lizard croons quietly in her ear, obviously terribly confused. "No, Weyrwoman. Not really. It was a very foolish thing to do." She pauses and then says, "I'm sorry. My just wanting to go to a gather wasn't a real good excuse, was it. I'd just not been to one in turns and I didn't think...." She trails off and then adds, "I'd get caught, I guess because Damina was going to cover my chores and all..."
Sarai hmms and nods, slowly, "Candidates stay in the weyr for many reasons, least of which is that we do not know when the eggs will hatch. However the main reason is that a candidate is /very/ importaint, and if they get injured or ill, we need to be able to care for them. The candidates will be riders of Pern and of Igen." Sarai shakes her head, "You might not have been caught, if I didn't happen to be a former Bendenite and know the residents and bakers here rather well." Sarai holds a hand out to Chailyn, "You've lied to a rider and left teh weyr for a gather. You will not stand at this hatching." Sarai's voice never once leaves it's calm level, nor does it lose the firm and quiet tone.
F'gon's eyes widen as he hears Sarai's words, and then nods sadly.
Chailyn blinks and swallows. She is silent for a long moment, and then reaches up to quietly remove her knot, unpinning it with a bit of difficulty. "Yes, Weyrwoman." To her credit, she hasn't dropped into tears yet, though it may be a close thing in a few minutes. The little lizard with her croons heartbrokenly, wrapping tail into a chokehold about her neck again.
Sarai takes the knot and converts it to a residents knot. More gently she says, as she returns the knot, "You can stay at teh weyr as a resident for as long as you wish, however before you accept search again, should that happen, I would like you to seriously consider the commitment that candidacy entails. The rules are not frivilous or without concious thought. They are the rules that have carried Igen through thousands of turns of Thread." Sarai shakes her head, "I will inform the Weyrleader and the Candidate Coordinators of this."
Chailyn swallows and nods to Sarai, her face heating. "Yes, Weyrwoman." She takes the knot back, and drops her head to fix it, hiding her expression and fumbling with the pin.
F'gon nods and slowly limps out unobtrusively, back to the gather,
F'gon goes toward Baker Training Center.
F'gon has left.
Sarai nods and turns to walk over to a package benig held by a terrified looking baker. She has nothing else to say about this.
Chailyn keeps her head down, and seeks refuge behind a cupboard for a few moments, only the little croons giving her away.
Sarai takes the package from the scared baker, "Thank you," she smiles at the youngseer, who nods and bolts. Sarai grimaces, slightly, but carries the rather full package out.
Sarai walks through the archway to the east, into the Great Hall.
Sarai has left.
Zuliah arrives from Baker Training Center - Benden Hold.
Zuliah has arrived.
Chailyn is off in a corner, half hidden by a cupboard. The little queen's croons, however, can be clearly heard.
Zuliah smiles to the girl as she pats her little new 'lizard. She walks off quickly, though, and off into the great hall.
Lanryi arrives from Baker Training Center - Benden Hold.
Lanryi has arrived.
Lanryi heads through to the great hall offering a friendly wave on her way.
Lanryi walks through the archway to the east, into the Great Hall.
Lanryi has left.
Zuliah walks through the archway to the east, into the Great Hall.
Zuliah has left.
Dendra sees Chailyn walk back in, and moves over to ask her, "What happened to you? Are you all right?"
Farrell glances up and smiles back, his expression still more tender than usual from regarding the little green. "Thanks," he murmurs, deftly snagging more meat as a drudge passes by.
Lambent looks at her bowl and then at the wandering blue 'lizard. With a faint sigh, she screws up her resolve and plucks a piece of the meat out and waggles it as other folks are doing. "Oh!" she laughs, referring to the feeling of the raw meat between her fingers. "This is really not a good sensation, here. But I hope they like it!"
Chailyn keeps to the extreme edge of the crowd. She nods to Dendra, and lifts her chin bravely before murmuring something to her quietly.
You whisper "I'll be fine. Really. I... she took my candidate knot. I'm back to being a resident again." She clears her throat and goes on brightly, "So I can get back to doing laundry. It's what I do best."" to Dendra.
Poppyseed Bread Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Lambent.
Night of Ghosts and Spirits Egg cracks open, and a Sharp Marine Blue Hatchling tumbles out.
Small and stringy is the palmful of a hatchling firelizard, his pale marine blue swirled with turquoise specks as if of schooling fish. He's sharp like a hook, though, from his long, thin muzzle to his narrow whip of a tail, even his wings eventually thinning to a clearer, icier hue at their impatient tips.
Written by and based on: IsaiCombatant Blooms Egg cracks open, and a Perky Petite Lime Green Hatchling tumbles out.
This cute little lime green hatchling has a warm glow about her. As soon as she rights herself, she preens her wings and lets out a cute little warble. Hungry? Probably, but it seems as though she has a little bit of intellect too. Her wings are smaller than most flits', and her eyes seem smaller as well. The little flit steps away from its shards and looks ready to search for something or someone special.
Written by and based on: Jaela
Lambent blinks! "It worked!" She says in surprise, gathering the tiny blue to her arm. "Oh my!"
Dendra sighs and says, "Oh, no. I'm so sorry Chailyn. I'm so sorry that happened to you."
D'orn beams as a tiny little blue cracks from the shell. "Ah, he's a pretty lookin li'l thing ain't he. A bit small...but we can fatten him right up, aye." His hand is lowered and the meat carried there within offered to the hatchling.
Ouryn offers a warm congratulatory smile to Lambent, before turning his attentions to another new blue infant 'lizard, the scraps of meat still smashed in his thick hands. He simply sits and watches the small fellow with a quiet air, curious and observant.
Kiara hmms, "Valinda, as far as I know she's fine. If you mean Opeia, she's a lot better now. I even saw her at the gather today,"
Haloran watches the other lizards impress and nods slightly to himself. Then, head turning, he blinks, staring at the other eggs. "Another blue and green," he states, a bit louder, clearly startled. "And jays, look at that--that blue is just amazing." Hands waggle the food eagerly again, attention completely consumed by the little hatchlings.
Reese gasps softly as the flowery egg cracks, depositing the lovely little green. She beams, turning her attention towards the little lime green lady. With never a care for the bloody chunk that squishes between her fingers, she turns, leaning down and offering the large piece to thepetite green.
Mhaul smiles brightly, wiggling his strip of meat to the next hatchling. He starts to make a soft 'coo' sound towards the hatchling ttheir attention.
Mirala trots in and hops up onto the first counter she comes to. "Okay!" she calls out through the kitchens, "Who is going to help with the Sing-Along? Dendra, my beautiful mentee, you're going to!"
Lambent scuttles back to feed her tiny little blue, a huge grin on her face. "Thank you!"
Sauscony nods her head, her expression turning a bit somber, "I had heard something had happened to Opeia, just not what." She murmers before offering Ofira a grin. "Sing-a-long"?
Sharp Marine Blue Hatchling first just watches, then carefully untangles himself from the shards of his shell. He stretches out his wings, then folds them back as he heads out on his search.
Chailyn shakes her head at Dendra and says softly, "It's my own fault. Don't be sorry." She smiles slightly and says, "At least she didn't kick me out of the weyr entirely." She stops, as Mirala calls out Dendra's name."
Mhaul holds out his strips of wherry meat, a hopeful grin on his face as he watches another hatchling go searching for a friend.
Dendra chuckles and nods. "Why not? I haven't scared anyone lately with my singing. WE e could have a jovial time out there!"
Mirala freezes. "Oh... shards... is this a... hatching?" she manages.
D'orn crawls back up into a kneeling position as he wiggles his little juicy meat goblets towards the Mariner. "Pleanty more where this came from," he states, glancing back towards that bowl he originally snitched from.
Perky Petite Lime Green Hatchling doesn't waste any time, once she out of her shell she darts toward the people gathered around. In just a few moments she's found who and what she wants and she's off.
Ouryn grins wide, eager to see -Mirala- now on the end of the hook. "Aye! Have some meat!" he crows, pressing the smashed pulp of raw wherry towards her hands. "I think that little blue fellow wants to see you!"
Perky Petite Lime Green Hatchling stumbles towards Reese.
Haloran nods slightly, approvingly, at the blue's actions. His eyes have spotted the green as well and he almost seems torn, hands spreading apart slightly to offer meat to both. Though his eyes are drawn repeated to the blue. "Come on little ones," he says coaxing.
Dendra nods. "Most of the eggs have hatched, but there are a few still left."
Reese brightens considerably as the tiny green wobbles toward her. She hastily pops the meat into the little one's maw, then gathers her up, beaming. She hastily backs out of the way of the other hopefuls, cradling her precious green as she does so. A few more pieces of meat are gathered as she slips out of the crowd, flashing F'gon a bright smile as she does so.
Chailyn looks over, as the green impresses, and flushes, turning her face away from F'gon and Reese. Then she spots Haloran still down and urges lightly, "Come on, blue, go for Hal." The sleepy lizard on her shoulder merely settles more comfortably, a lazy croon escaping her.
Mirala whimpers slightly, drawn, seemingly against her will, to the circle about the eggs. "Oh bloody sharding Faranath," she says, but plops down on the floor and digs around in her apron. "I never used meat strips," she chirps, "If they're going to be hatchlings of mine, it's meat PIE," she says, as she fishes out a half-eaten pie. She looks fearfully and longingly at the eggs. "Shard it."
Sharp Marine Blue Hatchling stops in front some wiggling meat. Not one to rush foward without stop he stares intently as the juice bits of wiggly meat. It seems safe, so he cautiously approaches.
Mhaul frowns for a moment, still holding out his slices of plump wherry meat. "Come on."
Ouryn happens to notice an enticing sand-colored egg, and thinks it reminds him so of the many seaside places he's been; the large Steward spends a few moments remembering the past, before Mirala's whimper draws him back to the Hatching. Taking his scraps back, he makes a place for the Baker to sit.
Sharp Marine Blue Hatchling stumbles towards D'orn.
Kiara watches the green wander to someone, "Wow, these hatchlings sure chose fast," she mutters, glancing at the latest choice, "Congratulations to you, whoever," she mutters again, holding out the meat.
Growing Green Vine Egg cracks open, and a Squashed Bubbly Blue Hatchling tumbles out.
Oh, the poor dear, it looks like someone upended a plateful of bubbly pies over his little head. But wait, is it just his hide? If it is the pattern decorating it bears a strong resemblance to squashed bubblies. Bits of flaky crust add touches of pale golden brown in the sea of crushed blueberries, purple juice surrounded the bits and pieces of whole berries that remain. The purple juice floats berry chunks over his wing before dripping down his legs, leaving the remaining blueberry pieces spread thickly like jam over his back. Mostly intact crust covers his belly, purple juice seeping through the cracks to run in rivulets down to his tail.
Hyperactive and jumpy, this little guy is quite a character. From bouncing from wall to wall, to fleeing in terror at his own shadow hes sure to keep you on your toes.
D'orn peers down at the blue, full blown grin situated on his face. "Aye now, isn't that tastey? Eat it all up and I'll give ye a nice oilin when yer done." He scoops up Mariner and feeds him piece by piece until his stomach is buldging.
Mhaul sits back, grinning as the blue finds a good home. He places his meat in front of him, relaxing back to watch the last few eggs hatch.
Tree Patterned Egg cracks open, and a Razzled Blue Hatchling tumbles out.
This wiry blue seems full of energy and snuffles into every crevice it can find. Although he might seem fearless and brave, this blue's best kept secret probably is that it's really just a shy little firelizard. It ventures only where it knows there won't be anything bigger than itself, given that it's alive. Along its back are deep tones of blue, almost as dark as the bottom of Glacier Lake. On its underbelly are light blue greens. The two colors seem to clash against one another as they each struggle for control of this fine blue's tail. It looks almost as if this blue has been laid in midnight blue paint and then flipped over into aqua green tones. The only part of him that has really remained constant is the wings. Each wing follows that pattern and color of the top of his body, which seems fine with him.
Written by and based on: Ducere
Sauscony nods her head, "Determined little things."
Mirala snakes a finger up to wiggle at Dendra, "You're too young to remember, but firelizards and I are a very dangerous combination. It's not really safe for me to be at these, in case one bugger SHOULD... oh.. Faaaaranath," she says, eyeing the bubbly hatching adoringly. "Hey bugger!" she keeningly chirps, wiggling her pie.
Haloran watches after both the little ones and sighs softly, giving his hand an accusing look. "Must not be doing that right." Luckily, he chooses that moment to look up, beaming as he spots more blues. "More handsome fellows!" he declares in delight. Fingers resume wiggling the meat.
Ouryn laughs and actually claps his hands at the sight of the little bubbly-blue hatchling. "Looks like a little mascot for the whole event!" he exclaims, and eagerly waves his bits of wherry towards the fellow. "Here, sweet, sweet, tasty meat," he tries to coax.
Kiara has partially disconnected.
Dendra asks Mirala, "How could you and a firelizard be worse than you and Kazeth?"
Mirala digs in her apron with her free hand, whilst jiggling the meat pie, which, in turn, jiggles Mirala. "Ach! Here it is, how about BUBBLY pie, eh, little scrap?" she croons at the squashed looking blue, bringing her second hand out to wave enticingly.
Kiara nods, taking a seat around the outside ring of hatchling, "Is that a new bronze?" she asks the healer, "I was busy manning the healer tent earlier?" Still the meat persists in dangling from the healers long fingers.
Squashed Bubbly Blue Hatchling chirples cheerifully as he climbs down onto the ground from the box. He then stops and seems to suddenly realize how hungry he is and begins to creel loudly and insistently.
Ouryn snaps his fingers, shards he has nothing that good for a firelizard! Making a slight face, he determinedly keeps hold of his bedraggled scraps, and simply sits to wait for the fellow to come, should it choose him.
Mhaul chuckles amusedly, eyeing the new hatchlings. He takes a piece of meat to dangle out to the 'lizards. "Hey, little ones.. over here."
D'orn just continues to beam as he rises to his feet and nods to everyone in the room, before taking off to go find some oil for his new little companion.
Chailyn offers softly to Dendra after pulling her eyes from Hal, "Thank you, though, for all your support. I really do appreciate it." She sighs after F'gon a moment and then gives Dendra a slight smile, before slipping away and getting some meat herself. Shushing the queen on her shoulder, she dumps the meat in a pile before Haloran. Everything a growing lizard needs: fish guts, wherry bits and herdbeast bites.
Sauscony nods her head as she holds the baby so that Kiara can see him, "I bought a ticket for Seanan, but he is off someplace with his father."
Mirala peers over her shoulder at Dendra. "Good point. Once it has reached a certain point, mischief ceases to multiply, eh?" She whips her head back around to the blue and croooooons, "Poor tiny hungry little thing! Come to Baker Mirala, and fooooooood beyond your wildest dreams," she calls.
Haloran can't help a small laugh then makes a noise of disgust. Glancing over his shoulder, he grimaces. "Thanks, Chai," he replies. Then his eyes are back on those blues, fish, wherry and herdbeast bits dangling before the hatchlings.
Kiara nods, "That's your fosterling, isn't it?" she asks, trying to remember hall gossip, "Well, that's a nice bit of luck, You decided on a name yet," the meat now moves in little circles, flicking outwards as Kiara makes a hand gesture while talking.
Razzled Blue Hatchling bugles loudly and triumphantly once he's free of his shell, he doesn't seem inclined to climb out of the box of sand though. Instead he races around the box, until he finally races a little close to the edge and falls out.
Ouryn has no food, but he -does- have a warm fur-lined bed, and a playful green to fly and flirt with, and a... well, shardit, nothing can compare to Baker Mirala's temptations, even if you're just a firelizard. Grinning good naturedly, the Steward rests on his haunches and decides just to watch.
Mirala jiggles her two handfuls of pie, calling a chanting croon. "Pie, pie, piiiiiie, piiiiiiiiiiiiiie," she calls to the blue. "Piiiiiiiiiiiiie."
Ouryn wants some pie now, and spares a longing glance towards the tempting treats Mirala holds in her hands. Licking his lips the large lad reminds himself to find a bubbly stall after this.
Haloran tosses his heads back and laughs cheerfully, eyes dancing as he watches the antics of the little razzled blue. Head tilting to one side, he continues to offer the meatbits from his strong fingers, hunkering down a bit.
Sauscony shakes her head as she peers at the bronze, "I will have to spend some time thinking about it. It just needs to fit"
Squashed Bubbly Blue Hatchling sniffs at the air, looking this way and that, until a loud insistent voice catches his attention. There! Over there!
Mhaul smiles broadly, almost from ear-to-ear. "Come on, little ones, you can make it!" He wiggles two strips of wherry meat enticingly, hoping to catch their attention.
Squashed Bubbly Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Mirala.
Farrell has wandered to the back of the room again and is standing next to a plate of meat scraps. The little green seems to be slowing down, finally, and Farrell cradles it gently in the crook of his arm, not even watching the end of the hatching.
Ouryn offers Mirala a warm smile of accomplishment as she meets her new little mate, and looks back to the box, and a racing blue 'lizard that runs much too fast for its safety.
Mirala tosses the bits of pie into the air to tempt the blue, catching them in alternate hands, until one bit of pie comes crashing down on the blue's head. When the little bugger raises its head, his eyes meet the Baker's, and a very loud croon comes from the both of them, as Mirala scoops up the little bugger. "I shall name you PIE!" she proclaims.
Ouryn applauds for Mirala and Pie!
Chailyn suggests to Haloran, "Toss some at them." The little lizard on her shoulder is all but back asleep. She's had a trying dfay. "Maybe they just don't want to come that close?"
Razzled Blue Hatchling jumps back to his feet, nearly falling over again in his hurry. He chirples indignantly, he meant to do that. He then bugles loudly yet again, then races down the rows of people.
Kiara claps for the loud person and the pie blue, "Well done," she calls over the din, turning back to Soz.
Mirala gratefully takes the box from the Steward, "No hard feelings, lad, then, eh?" she chirps, before returning her full attention to the tiny pathetic looking blue. "Mirala's little smushed piiiiiiie," she croons at it.
Mhaul swings his pieces of meat slowly, still watching the box. "That's the spirit!" He smiles,trying to croon, which comes out more like a irritated call of some avian.
Sauscony glances over, giggling softly. "That is Mirala." She explains. "Roland's sister and one of the nicest people you will ever meet." She adds quietly.
Ouryn shakes his head, still watching carefully for the racing blue, lest someone step on it. "Shards! Someone catch that thing!" Back to Mirala, "Not at all! Looks like he was meant for you," the lad offers a smile.
Haloran's eyes widen and he holds the fistfuls of meat in his hands before the little noisy blue, offering, "You can have it all," in surprise before trying a bit more coaxingly, "I have a whole pile here, y'know."
Kiara ohs, "Not someone I've met before." she glances towards the dashing blue, "That reminds me of a few of the hall littles," she chuckles, "Nice person, eh? Could do with knowing a few of those,"
Razzled Blue Hatchling runs right smack into someone, landing on his back again, staring up at them.
Razzled Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Ouryn.
Radiant Bronze Egg cracks open, and a Split Pea Soup Green Hatchling tumbles out.
A thick paste in an almost sickly shade of olive green seems to be evenly spread all over this small hatchlings hide. Scattered throughout the thick soup of olive green are small chunks of reddish brown, like pieces of salted ovine. Her large eyes glimmer in the available light, bright spots in the midst of olive drab.
Sweet and caring, this little green is ever the helper, even if sometimes her help does more harm than good.
Mirala manages another grin at Ouryn, before she stands and carefully picks her way out of the circle, cradling the blue adoringly. "As soon as all the buggers are Impressed," she reminds the crowd at large, "I expect you ALL to come sing." She hops up onto a counter, as she plumps the fluff around her tiny flit.
"If it quiets down at all, I will introduce you." Soz notes before turning back to the hatchlings.."Oh, look at that one"
Flecked Sand Egg cracks open, and a Skinny Stumbling Brown Hatchling tumbles out.
His most striking feature is his size-- not thick and sturdy, as one might expect of a brown, but long of neck and tail, with a wingspan to rival many a bronze. He's barely got enough flesh on him to fill out his height, though, and he hardly seems to know what to do with his long limbs. He moves awkwardly, and has a raspy, uncertain bugling voice. His hide is a dull sandy color, marred here and again with a rough, dark patch, almost as if someone had scraped the color off him in spots.
Dendra chuckles and asks, "Are you going to order a bikini for Pie when he grows a bit more?"
Ouryn is apparently the one to catch the sharding thing, and he automatically scoops it up lest it injure itself. Before he can stop, the Steward smiles knowingly, and cradles the little racing blue close to him.
Haloran winces at the smash, staring worriedly at the little blue. But seeing that it's being taken care of, his attention is turned back to the brown and green that just hatching, a low whistle of approval coming from him.
Mhaul smiles broadly, eyeing the new hatchlings. "Come on.. plenty to eat over here, and much more whenever you want it!" He promises, making a good-sized pile of wherry strips, some fresh and some are dried.
Chailyn oohs and nudges Haloran lightly, hopefully not enough to send him face first into the pile of meat before him. "Yeah. Look at that brown. He's gonna be huge."
Kiara glances towards the latest couple of hatchlings, "Green and Brown. Makes a change from the usual blue and green," she nods towards Soz, "That'd be nice, I like meeting people," she glances at the brown, "He doesn't look that healthy. Bit like Opeia when she was all skin and bones," the meat continues to do lazy circles from Kiara's fingers, skimming the floor.
Mirala laughs over at Dendra, "Aye, and a big old bow, too. To match Kazeth's." Her eyes widen a bit, "Wait until I introduce them!" the thought of which brings on another round of coos at her blue. She looks up to hoot for the new Impressions.
Split Pea Soup Green Hatchling climbs out from the box of sand, patiently going from person to person, looking for just the right one.
Dendra grins and says, "You out to tell Kazeth that Pie is his little brother. See if he'll help you guard the little bugger."
Haloran glances over his shoulder, nodding to Chailyn. But only for a moment. Then his attention is back on the moving hatchlings, fingers wiggling a bit as he tries to entice them over. "That brown *will* be huge."
Mirala coos, running a finger along the blue eyeridges. "He will, I've no doubt."
Mhaul chuckles under his breath, watching the 'lizards hatch and come forth. "There's plenty of meat over here.." He suggests as he wiggles a chunk of fresh wherry.
Skinny Stumbling Brown Hatchling strugles ackwardly to free himself from his shell, flops onto the ground, then follows his sister on his own search, accenting each step with a shaky bugle.
Split Pea Soup Green Hatchling stumbles towards Mhaul.
Mhaul smiles brightly, shifting his pile of meat to the green. "All yours, little green..."
Skinny Stumbling Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Haloran.
Psychedelic Color Splashed Egg cracks open, and a Bouncy Mischievous Blue Hatchling tumbles out.
Bright and bold and very, very blue, this firelizard bounces all over the place from the second he cracks his egg. Scrawny and oh-so energetic, he's got one heck of a mischievous streak running through him, and that as well is obvious in the way he bounces up to one person, considers them, and then cheekily hops off. When he's larger - and he will get larger, but never lose that scrawniness - he'll be the one you may find bathing in someone's stew, hiding your socks, or badgering the meanest canine, just for fun.
Written by and based on: Caralain
Haloran leans toward the brown, a bit more intent. "He moves like me," he informs Chailyn over his shoulder, smiling his approval. "At least he's plucky." Then he ooofs as the brown stumbles into his arms. "Shells! Shells! Chailyn! Look!"
Hidden Secrets Egg cracks open, and a Whipped Tubers and Gravy Brown Hatchling tumbles out.
Creamy, off-white whipped tubers drowned in a river of wherry gravy seem to coat this stocky hatchlings hide. The rich brown gravy flows over and through the tubers creating a veritable river delta on his back and wings before sliding down his tail in streaks and puddling on his legs and belly.
Cheerful and chipper, this brown loves being around people. He also likes shiny things, so it wouldnt be suprising to find him with a shiny button, ring, or a bracelet that he probably filched from the shiny things owner.
Ducere rubs the sleep from his eyes. He removes his hands slowly and focuses everything in the room with tired eyes. As soon as he sees the small blue, his hands fly into his pockets and return holding a small package. He quickly unwraps it and removes small strips of fish that he holds out to the little blue.
Mirala looks over to a candle, blinks, and turns her head to Dendra. "Hey, you want to come and help me start the Sing-Along? You can come back," she chirps worriedly, "But I'd like you to do 'Baker Girl' to start it off."
Mhaul takes anither strip of meat, holding it out if any hatchling is tempted by his small 'feast of meat'.
Chailyn beams at her friend. "I see him, Hal. Feed him! Gonna take a lot of feeding up to get him to grow into that size."
Bouncy Mischievous Blue Hatchling practically bounces from his shell, he jumps
down into the crowd of people. He runs up to one person, then another until
he finds the one he wants to stay with.
Bouncy Mischievous Blue Hatchling stumbles towards Ducere.
Haloran starts doing as ordered, meat getting stuffed into the maw of the little brown as quickly as he can manage. "Shells. Shells! He's handsome!"
Kiara grins, "A brown and a blue," Isn't she adept at stating the obvious, "I wish Conn was here, He could do with a firelizard, for passing messages and th..."she falls silent very quickly. "Wow, that was quickly," she glances at the blue, "Obviously knew who he wanted,"
Ducere beams happily at his new blue and scoops it up to give it a scritch.
Mhaul smiles proudly at his new green firelizard, picking her up gently.
Dendra nods to Mirala and says, "Okay. I think Lluna will leave now, since all her eggs have hatched."
Farrell 's little green has finished eating and has fallen asleep, cradled in the crook of his arm. Farrell glances up and around, then makes a quiet exit.
Sauscony quirks a brow slightly at Kiara's words, her smile warming slightly "Maybe if someone were to find an egg, it would make a nice present. Don't you think?"
Whipped Tubers and Gravy Brown Hatchling quickly gets down from the eggs and
in among the people. For a while he seems content just to wander, looking up
at all the people and admire a few women's sparkly jewelry. But that isn't enough,
finally goes to find a person of his own.
Whipped Tubers and Gravy Brown Hatchling stumbles towards Kiara.
Chailyn pulls Haloran aside, and starts talking quietly to him about the care and feeding of the little things. "Oil. He'll start to itch as he grows. And he'll wake you at odd hours until you get used to his feeding schedule." Her expression is a trifle drawn.
Dendra rises from her seat and goes toward the great hall, with a quiescent (finally!) gold on her shoulder.
Kiara nods, "I still need to get him a turnday present," she holds up a neat harp necklace, "This is what he gave me," she glances towards the brown, "Oh, hello," she grins, holding out a piece of food.
Mirala nods, heading for the kitchens with the blue tucked under her arm in his box.
Haloran's face is spread into a wide smile, the last bits of food being consumed by the ravenous brown. "Right, right," he states, glancing up. And freezing. "Chailyn. What it is?"
Sauscony oohhs softly as she considers the necklace, "That is beautiful"
Chailyn summons a smile and shrugs slightly to Haloran. "Looks like I can come visit Telgar sooner than I thought is all." She sighs softly, "Look, I need to get back to Igen and move my stuff back into the dorms. I'll come visit soon, I promise."
Aelin smiles around everyone still gathered, then picks up her rumpled piece of hide and heads out.
Apparently Kiara's new brown thinks so too as he reaches up his mouth to grasp ahold of it before decided apparently food is a better idea and continuing to munch on the meat.
Haloran looks stunned. "They kicked you out, didn't they? They kicked you out of Candidacy."
Ouryn curls up his new little blue mate, now calm and contentedly munching squished scraps, not truly paying attention to much of anything else.
Chailyn clears her throat and nods slightly. "Well, it's not as though I didn't really deserve it." She summons a smile. "Besides, I wasn't going to impress anyway, remember?"
Haloran grimaces and rises slowly offering her his hand. "Well, what's done is done."
Banit emergies from the kitchen still stroking the brown he looks up "What happened , what did i miss"
Chailyn says hurriedly, "And I need to go before K'dar leaves for good, Hal. I'll come visit. I promise. And congratulations on your little brown there." Her face flames, and she ignores the hand, turning and hurrying out.
You go toward Hold Kitchen
All references to worlds and
characters based on Anne McCaffrey's fiction are copyright © Anne McCaffrey
1967,2000, all rights reserved, and used by permission of the author. The Dragonriders
of Pern(r) is registered U.S. Patent and Trademark Office, by Anne McCaffrey,
used here with permission. Use or reproduction without a license is strictly
prohibited. For more information, visit the Worlds
of Anne McCaffrey. Many thanks to Alec Johnson for his assistance with this
This is not a fanfic page, but a logged roleplay session for a character at
Igen Weyr on PernMUSH.
This page is maintained by Chailyn.